About Us

We are empowering the Deaf Community through Education, Employment, and Inclusion. Offering comprehensive capacity-building programs, sign language interpretation services, and inclusive recreational activities to foster equal opportunities and enhance lives.

Sakina Batool Co-Founder & CEO
Ehtisham Hussain Co-Founder & COO.

Our Story

DigiDeaf is a platform that provides 360 degree solutions for the educational development, employment, and inclusion of the Deaf Community. Our goal is to create equal opportunities for individuals with hearing impairments to thrive in the digital age. We offer a wide range of capacity-building programs in digital and business skills, including Graphic Designing, Web designing, e-commerce, and business and financial management. Additionally, we provide soft skills training such as Entrepreneur mindset programs, Communication skill training, English lessons, and more. Our platform also offers recreational activities like yoga, meditation, and educational excursions to promote a healthy lifestyle and foster inclusivity. We offer professional Sign Language Interpretation services for events, conferences, and meetings. Our skilled interpreters ensure that individuals with hearing impairments can fully participate and engage in any setting. We are committed to breaking down communication barriers and providing equal access to information and opportunities.

Our Services

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Courses in Sign Language

Start, switch or advance your career with our Online Courses made inclusive in Sign Language

Recreational Activities

Recreate life and have fun with our Inclusive Tours, Educational Excursions, Yoga & Meditation sessions all made inclusive in Sign Language

Sign Language Interpretation

Unlock inclusivity for your events, content, and workspace. Bridge the communication gap with our expert sign language interpretation services. Connect with us today.